Republicans give VoIP message

American president Barack Obama famously became the first black leader of the United States and he relied to a large extent on innovative technology to do so.

For instance social networking potential was maximised to attract young voters, as were entertaining YouTube videos.

With the Democrats struggling and mid-term elections approaching, it seems that many Republicans have used Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to get the upper hand.

VoIP has been used in party politics since 2006 to engage voters and gather data on their voting habits. In 2008 the Republican Congressman Peter Roskam won a thin majority on the back of a data-led VoIP campaign.
Today incumbent Democrat Congressman Jim Moran is facing stiff competition from former US Army Colonel Patrick Murray.

The Democrats thought they were safe with a large lead and an opponent who had little money to spend on television and radio spots.

What they did not count on was the Murray team purchasing 30 VoIP phone and internet lines. That allowed them to make hundreds of calls a day to canvass votes without having to spend much money.

Furthermore to collect data on target voters, volunteers for the Murray team could ask structured questions and record their answers digitally into the campaign database. Since the VoIP campaign has been launched, Murray has made huge gains on Morgan.

The political adviser for Murray, Andy Bookles said:  “People are captivated by how tight this race has become. We may not have spent incredible sums of money but our targeted VoIP investment has provided the data to make informed decisions. It has allowed us to allocate campaign resources to where they will have the most impact on Election Day.”

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