Need help with VoIP?
Can’t choose which Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) product best suits your business or personal needs?
Help is at hand. VoIP Supply, which sells Voice over IP equipment and systems, has brought out a VoIP Phone Buyers Guide.
Garrett Smith, the Director of Marketing at VoIP Supply, said: “With VoIP hitting the mainstream there is a great consumer need for educational resources that help explain the various VoIP components so that an informed decision is made.”
The guide is supposed to be written in language that anyone can understand and comes as a free download. It has information about the information components and how to choose which VoIP phone is best suited to your needs.
VoIp supply also offers hardware accessories for Skype such as of headsets, phones, video phones and other Skype devices.
VoIP Supply backs this up with logistical services, device configuration, extended warranties, installations, and technical support.
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