Some New Versions of Asterisk PBX and DAHDI on the market

The Asterisk development team is pleased to announce new releases of Asterisk and DAHDI.

For more information on the reasoning behind the transition to DAHDI, please see the following post:

The list of packages released today includes:

dahdi-linux 2.0.0-rc4
dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0-rc4+2.0.0-rc2
asterisk 1.4.22-rc4
asterisk 1.6.0-rc5

1 Response to "Some New Versions of Asterisk PBX and DAHDI on the market"

  1. LL September 18, 2008 at 3:57 AM
    Interesting indeed, but I cant believe that people wtill devote so much time and money to a ols sytem like PBX. I came across this really interesting phone system called GoHello, there is a free editon here :